Create Peaceful Mealtimes With a Specialist of Fussy Eaters
For the parents who have tried everything, Fussy Eater brings you the specialist of fussy eaters. Meet Marie-France, a distinguished dietitian-nutritionist, hypnotherapist, and counsellor with...
Transforming Mealtime Struggles into Success for Autistic Child
Things cannot work the usual way when feeding an autistic child. The world of nutrition becomes a complex maze, filled with challenges that can leave parents feeling lost and overwhelmed. An...
Online Fussy Eating Program to Get Your Child Eating Right
Is your child turning their nose up at everything you put on their plate? Are you worried they're not getting the nutrients they need? You're not alone. Fussy eating is a common issue that can...
Achieve a Healthier & Happier Family with Our Dietician Nutritionist in Melbourne
Those meals should be a time of joy, not a battlefield. At Fussy Eater, we understand parents' unique challenges when trying to nourish their children in a world filled with conflicting dietary...
Creating Happy Mealtimes with Kids Health Nutrition Specialist
Enjoying your child to eat a healthy and balanced diet can be tough, with highs and lows. Do you feel frustrated when meals become a battleground, with chicken nuggets and pasta taking...