The UPS Store

The UPS Store favorite
Page Type:
Sole Proprietorship
3336 S. La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90016
Company Number:
(323) 879-9569

The UPS Store is your convenient and reliable neighborhood resource for a wide range of services tailored to meet your business and personal needs. Whether you're shipping packages, printing documents, or in need of professional packing, The UPS Store offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to save you time and effort.

Shipping and Packing Services

  • Domestic and International Shipping: We offer a variety of shipping options through UPS and other carriers, ensuring your package reaches its destination quickly and safely.
  • Packing Services: Our Certified Packing Experts can pack your items with care using high-quality materials, providing peace of mind and ensuring your items arrive intact.
  • Freight Services: For larger items or bulk shipments, we provide freight solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

Printing and Document Services

  • Printing: From business cards and flyers to banners and posters, we provide high-quality printing services for both personal and professional needs.
  • Document Finishing: We offer binding, laminating, and other finishing services to give your documents a professional touch.
  • Mailbox Services: Secure a real street address for your mail and packages, with 24-hour access and package notification.

Business Solutions

  • Notary Services: Certified notary publics are available to notarize your important documents with ease.
  • Faxing and Scanning: Send and receive faxes, and convert hard copies to digital files quickly and securely.
  • Office Supplies: Stock up on essential office supplies, from paper and envelopes to pens and shipping supplies.

Small Business Solutions

  • Personalized Assistance: Our staff provides personalized support tailored to small business owners, helping you navigate logistics, marketing, and administrative tasks.
  • Custom Printing Solutions: Create branded marketing materials, from brochures to custom-printed packaging, to enhance your business presence.

At The UPS Store, we are committed to providing friendly, efficient service with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Our goal is to make your life easier by offering a one-stop-shop for all your shipping, packing, printing, and business service needs. Visit us today and experience the convenience and reliability that make The UPS Store a trusted partner for individuals and businesses alike.