The right nutrition for ballet dancers

The best foods for energy, recovery, and calorie control
Conscious nutrition is especially important for ballet dancers who perform high physical performances. The right diet provides you with the energy you need for your training and helps you to recover and regenerate your muscles as well as to control your weight. Here are some tips and recipes to help you optimally adjust your diet to your training.  more
A musical journey through the history of ballet
Over time, important composers have created classical ballet music. It is an essential part of the art of dance. With a variety of melodies and rhythms, it brings the stories on stage to life and touches the hearts of the audience.

In the following, I will take you into the world of ballet music. I will show you the characteristic features, their development and the most important works and composers. Music cannot be read. That is why I have reco...  more
25 friends . 164 photos
Ballet exercises you can also do at home:
By Olga Leibrandt Last updated: June 24, 2023 Ballet Guide 10 min read. Original article on Ballettstudio Ost   On this page I show you 5 ballet exercises to do at...
What is the ballet dance tradition in each country?
On my website, you will find an interactive dance world map where you can learn more about the dance and ballet culture of different countries.